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Simple SYCL benchmarks to test portability and performance on a variety of platforms.
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This spank plugin for SLURM allows standard users to interact with the MSR-SAFE kernel module. It takes care to manage permissions, dump and restore MSR registers through MSR-SAFE driver.
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This spank plugin for SLURM allows standard users to interact with the sysfs. It takes care to dump and restore permission on sysfs access.
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All the numeric kernels needed to run yoctoFOAM on a GPU using OpenACC
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CMake modules used to custmomize the build procedure for the CINECA machines
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Minimal reimplementation of openFOAM for testing data structures and GPU porting strategies
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All the numeric kernels needed to run yoctoFOAM on a CPU
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This spank plugin for SLURM allows standard users to change frequencies for Nvidia GPUs. It takes care to restore the default frequencies at the end of the job.
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SMILES to mol2 converter based on OpenBabel (https://github.com/openbabel/openbabel)
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Library of things that I shouldn't reinvent in each and every project
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